
An innovative charitable-donations app which integrates PayPal's Giving Fund accredited charities.
ClientZakatify LLC
ProjectZakatify App
DurationDec. 2018 - Feb. 2021
Tags, , ,

Services we offered

Project management, Android development, iOS development, API development, Testing, Deployment, Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

The Problem

Zakatify LLC., a US-based startup,  had an idea to build an app that will simplify charitable giving and making it fun. They needed a partner that could understand their niche idea and make the Zakatify app a reality.

With experience working with poor developers on their other apps, Zakatify LLC was keen on getting a team of developers that they could work with and rely on.

The Solution

We took the time necessary to capture what the Zakatify app was aiming to achieve. Several project planning meetings were held virtually to go over the user experience designs. For receiving payments, Zakatify LLC chose to go with PayPal and to also integrate charities from the PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF). This meant that we had numerous integrations to handle which required us to study all the documentation available. 

For the APIs, we took a microservices approach and had the services running on Google Cloud with all data stored in a MySQL database. Two native mobile apps were developed, one for Android and another for iOS.

Certain aspects of the platform were automated, like the feature that allows for automatic donations based on options set by users.

Zakatify app development